Despite challenging conditions the B2B hospitality furniture division of Kourtis SA – Kourtis Contract – can now service its clients by giving them the opportunity to discover and navigate its Showroom without the need to enter its physical premises. Simulating the physical experience by offering a fully virtual analog walk-through, the Kourtis Contract division allows hospitality business owners to book a one-on-one guided tour through their Showroom. That is where a dedicated design expert walks them through a 2000 sm space, discusses their design needs and recommends a completely personalized solution.
Online visitors can browse the Kourtis Contract portfolio live from the comfort of their personal space through a digital meeting that allows them to examine products up close for a detailed view at every item from every angle. This way, hospitality business professionals have the ability to engage with the entire product range virtually, compare product variations, configurations and technical details making it possible for them to select the design elements that will best accent their commercial space.
Moreover, in an entirely personalized meeting commercial B2B clients can interact with design experts who will outline design needs and present product catalogs, fabrics and finishes for a wholesome live experience. This provides the perfect sandbox for professionals to be inspired and visualize creatively about how Kourtis Contract products and services can optimize their business.
To that end its Showroom becomes a space to engage and be inspired.