On Thursday, November 14th, 2019, the event “Hospitality Atmospheres: Dimensions of Architecture” took place at the new Showroom of Kourtis Contract, in collaboration with EKA HELLAS and curated by Archisearch.gr and Design Ambassador.
For Peter Zumthor architectural quality is what drives us. And in a word, it calls it “Atmosphere”.
And how is a nice atmosphere produced? “Incorporating every single detail into one complete, unique vision,” adds Frank Lloyd Wright
How, though, will integration be made and how will the vision be set? “The architect has to balance between naivety and expertise to develop a sensitivity to the atmosphere, our sixth sense. As architecture is subject to use, the atmosphere is in no way a simple individual work. It is vital for architects to be empathetic to the needs of users, customers and everyone who understands architecture, whether they may look anonymous or distant ”adds architect and professor Juhani Pallasmaa.
That is why “atmospherics” is an issue that marketing has been engaged in. The discussion on Hospitality Atmospheres was based on this relationship and involved distinguished speakers from the field of Architecture, Interior Design and Tourism.

The event was introduced by Mr. Haris Niskopoulos, Head of the Contract Department of Kourtis S.A. and Mr. Costas Charakis, General Manager of EKA Group.
Guest speakers were Alexandros Angelopoulos, CEO of Aldemar Resorts Group, George Konstantinidis, Founder and President of SWOT A.E. Hospitality Management Company, Ioli Chiotini, Interior Stylist & Styling Consultant, Marika Mavroleon, Architect and Deputy Operations Director at A&M Group, with a rich portfolio including leisure residences and office space, and Thanos Zakopoulos, Founder at CTRLZAK atr & design studio.
The speakers were asked to define the meaning of atmosphere, how important it is in the field of hospitality and what are the elements that it consists of.
Hospitality Atmospheres Discussion Panel curated by the Design Ambassador & Archisearch.gr
Moderation by Danai Makri Head of Content & Communication for the Design Ambassador
Event Hosted by Kourtis and Eka Hellas
Lighting Design by LUCE Ataliotis
Coffee Sponsor Taf Coffee